Michael Billmann

Managing Director, Partner

Michael Billmann was initially a consultant at alpha portfolio advisors GmbH from 2005 and has been a senior consultant since 2008. Since the beginning of 2016, he has been a managing director and partner of the firm.

Previously, he studied business administration at the University of Münster and at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow with a focus on finance and company formation. Mr. Billmann is co-author of several papers on absolute return and manager selection, which have been published in textbooks and trade journals. 

A short Interview with...

Michael Billmann

Can you introduce yourself in a few words?

My name is Michael Billmann and I have been one of three managing partners at alpha portfolio advisors since 2016. I live with my wife and two children in the Taunus region and grew up in the Black Forest.

Can you tell us something about your career path and how you came to alpha portfolio advisors?

After graduating from high school in my home town of Baden, I went straight on to study business administration at the University of Münster. Looking back, my choice of specialisation certainly influenced my future career path. I chose finance as my first specialisation and also wrote my thesis on style investing in this area. At the same time, I completed some exciting internships, for example at an asset management company in London and at alpha portfolio advisors. During my studies, I developed a pronounced enthusiasm for entrepreneurship through my second specialisation in business start-ups. Today, I can't imagine a more suitable working environment than at alpha portfolio advisors: here I deal with exciting institutional investment issues on a daily basis and at the same time, as a partner, I manage a very successful and entrepreneurial advisory company together with my co-partners.

What feeling guides you?

Since day one at alpha portfolio advisors, client requirements and needs have been at the centre of my thoughts and actions. The success of our clients is the benchmark for our advisory success. In active asset management, this success is very clearly measurable and transparent in terms of the alpha generated. Our advisory remuneration is also linked to the success of our clients. We are therefore in the same boat as our clients. This "alignment of interest" and the willingness to always go the extra mile guide my thoughts and actions.

How do you find the right balance in life?

In my free time, family time is at the top of the agenda. Regular sport is also a key factor in achieving the right balance in my life. I wouldn't want to miss out on long runs in the Taunus, a nice round of golf with my family or starting the day in our compact alpha gym - sometimes together with one of my colleagues.

In another life you would be...

When I was choosing my degree programme, I wavered between business studies and medicine. If I had become a doctor, I would have focussed even more on dealing with people - a job that I would certainly have enjoyed. However, the capital markets would certainly also play a role for me as a doctor, perhaps in the form of voluntary work as a member of the administrative board of a pension fund.


Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment?

Please feel free to call or write us and we will get back to you in a timely manner.