Our colleagues Michael Billmann, Florian Hertlein and Marc-André Göricke spent the last two weeks in the USA, visiting 18 asset managers in 11 different cities to get first hand impressions of the investment strategies, speak personally to the investment teams, view the systems and tools used by the asset managers live and discuss the current challenging market situation. Our colleagues were particularly pleased to meet onsite with some of our clients to conduct the asset manager due diligences together: Thorsten Borgardt and Philip John from Barmenia as well as Steffen Schiedewitz and Irina Ouvarova from SOKA-BAU. We did not only visit potential candidates for new mandates but also asset managers with whom our clients are already invested. We want to thank all asset managers involved for the excellent organization and execution of these meetings, which we greatly appreciate!
Please feel free to call or write us and we will get back to you in a timely manner.