Mandate Profile:
- Client Type: Swiss institutional investor
- Initial Investment Volume: 150 m. CHF
- Investment Universe: Global Small Cap Developed Equities, Opportunistic Investments (e.g. Emerging Markets or Mid Caps) allowed.
- Investment Restrictions: Emerging Market allocations are limited to a maximum of up to 20%; Sustainablility should be an integral part of the investment process; Target Tracking Error: < 5% p.a.
- Benchmark: e.g. MSCI World Small Cap Net Total Return Index or comparable
- Currency Hedging: unhedged
- Derivatives: allowed
- Investment Style: active, long-only
- Investment Vehicle: Segregated Account (Swiss “Einanlegerfonds”) or Mutual Fund (European domiciled UCITS fund)
Deadline: Friday, October 7th, 2022 (COB)